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The Chief Imam is happy about the anti-LGBTQ+ bill.

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According to his spokesperson, National Chief Imam Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu is happy that the contentious anti-LGBTQ+ law was just approved.
On February 28, 2024, following nearly three years of debate, the anti-LGBTQ+ bill was approved by Parliament.
The bill stipulates that anyone who identifies as LGBTQ+ faces a maximum three-year prison sentence. It also sets a five-year maximum prison sentence for LGBTQ+ organizations that advocate or provide financial support.
The Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) and some civil society organizations have expressed concern about this and other bill provisions, claiming that they violate basic human rights.

Chief Imam Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu, however, feels that the bill’s passing is a step forward.
The Chief Imam’s spokesperson, Sheikh Aremeyaw Shaibu, said that the bill will preserve family values, which is why the Muslim community was happy to hear the news on JoyNews’ Newsfile on March 2.

“I can say without any equivocation that the Chief Imam is gleefully joyful about the passing of this bill because he has fully been briefed about what we are going through concerning the evolvement of this LGBTQ+ phenomenon in our country and the attempt to universalise it and make it something normal and something acceptable,” he said.

“And as somebody who is the leader of Muslims in this country, he could not give any support to such matter to be allowed.
“For us, it is a moral issue, it is something that also goes to the very heart of the protection of the family which in the Muslim understanding of things is the property of God. It is the smallest unit of society into which every single human being is born.”
He stressed that any practice detrimental to the family structure would not garner their support.
“Any practice that seeks to undermine the survival of the family must truly be condemned. For us, it is reprehensible, abominable, and objectionable. So Chief Imam is so happy,” he added.
He praised lawmakers for their unwavering commitment despite the numerous objections and battles the bill encountered.
Addressing concerns that the bill violates basic human rights, the spokesperson argued that laws are enacted to benefit society, and any law endangering social purity must be rejected.
“It is not an academic issue, it is not a human rights issue but it is about survival. Any law that is harmful to society, society must think together within our wisdom and that is what identifies us and distinguishes us from other nations,” he concluded.

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