Popular Kumawood actor Akwasi Boadi, commonly known as Akrobeto, recently admitted that in the 43 years since he first arrived in Accra, he had never paid rent.
The award-winning television presenter claims that, despite originating from a very modest background, his humility has opened up many doors for him.
In an interview with Precise FM, Akrobeto described his trip to Accra and said that Apostle Kwadwo Sarfo had brought him there.
”I’ve lived in Accra for 43 years now, no rent. The secret is from my father Apostle Kwadwo Safo,” he said in the interview.
Akrobeto claims that he lived with the poplar engineer for a very long period and he never asked for anything in return.
He further revealed that even after leaving Apostle Safo’s home years later to live alone, his landlords never demanded a penny in rent from him.
“I didn’t have anything of my own. My family was very poor. When I completed Form 4 in the year 1979, Apostle Kwadwo Sarfo sent someone to come for me from my village to stay with him in Accra. And I stayed with him for a very long time without paying a dime because of my humility and honesty. Even in times when I moved out, anytime, I pay rent, strangely, the landlords either return my money or refuse to accept it,” he stated.