Grace Omaboe, popularly known as Maame Dokono, is a seasoned actress and television personality from Ghana. She has given insightful advise on relationships, especially regarding how men should treat women who truly love them.
She stressed the need of appreciating and honouring a woman who demonstrates love and opens her heart.Maame Dokono asserts that it is vital that a man does not take a woman for granted when she goes above and beyond to provide for him and make him happy.
On Tuesday, September 3, 2024, the actress warned men not to play games or be dishonest to these women, saying that they will eventually pay a price for it in an interview on TV3’s Afternoon Show. You will notice if you read my book that I have experienced all of the romantic relationships and everything else. It teaches us a lot about living with males, among other things.
“Every lady needs to read that book. Men too should read it to learn how to treat a lady well because if you don’t, it can backfire on you. Don’t play hunky-panky with a woman who opens up her heart, shows you love, and does everything for you while you’re doing other things. That one, you will actually pay for it,”
She said.
The counsel of Maame Dokono serves as a reminder that true affection and concern deserve the same degree of dedication and deference. When someone gives their all, it’s easy to take their love for granted, yet doing so might have unintended effects. Any relationship should be built on the principles of loyalty, respect, and honesty.
Maame Dokono stated that her book, “The Unforgettable,” gives insightful advice on relationships for both men and women. The book launch is set for September 7, 2024, a day that marks her six decades in the film industry. She encouraged people of both genders to read her book, which explores her personal life experiences, including her past romantic relationships, career path, and political ambitions.