WhatsApp said on Wednesday that it is launching a new feature that will allow users to plan events in Communities. This tool makes it simpler to organize events and get-togethers from within WhatsApp, such as birthday dinners and PTA meetings.
Anyone in the group can post an event and invite others to respond to it, allowing the others to see who else is intending to attend. The event is listed on the group’s information page, and users who plan to attend will receive a notification as the event day approaches.
roup’s information page, and attendees will receive a reminder as the event date approaches.
Over the next few months, the new feature will gradually be made available to all groups, starting with those that are a part of a Community.

Additionally, app is introducing the capability for users to respond to messages in Announcement Groups, where community administrators communicate updates to all members of the community. Users will not receive notifications for replies; instead, they are gathered together so you can see what other people have to say. This feature’s goal is to maintain Announcement Groups clutter-free and orderly while still letting administrators hear from their members.
WhatsApp introduced Communities in November 2022 to help communities—neighborhoods, school associations, hobbyists, and more—stay connected by enabling administrators to merge up to 50 groups into one. Over the coming months, the company says it will be adding new capabilities to Communities and groups.