Efia Odo, a Ghanaian actress and socialite, has stated that she has no interest in men who are now attempting to make it in life, and that she can only date wealthy men.
The topic of relationships and its interconnections with financial elements was discussed on an episode of the ‘Keeping It 100 percent’ podcast.
Efia Odo emphasized her perspective by stating that her personal accomplishment influences her requirements for possible spouses. She was adamant that settling for a guy who is financially struggling would not be compatible with her current situation.
“I won’t take a man who is just trying in life, I’ve passed that stage…I am an already-made btch, so if you are not already made I am not going to fck with you,” she said.

When asked if she would contemplate dating a man who earns up to GH3,000 cedis per month and provides her GHC1000 cedis, Efia Odo stated that she would not even consider dating such a person.
i won’t even ask you for that, I won’t take such an amount because you are not making that much. If you’re making GHC₵3,000, I wouldn’t even talk to you if you’re making that little“ she argued.
The actress-turned-singer has already expressed her preferences for guys.