Arnold Asamoah- Baidoo, a Ghanaian showbiz expert, has encouraged Obrafour to avoid squandering his money on his lawsuit against Drake.
The entertainment expert claimed that Obrafour’s best chance of seeing Drake was when his team received an email from Drake’s staff.
Arnold contends that Obrafour’s ten million dollar lawsuit against Drake for the improper use of his song may not be successful.
“Let me insist that if indeed Obrafour’s team saw the email and ignored it then that was a wrong move. There is no guarantee that they will win the court case. Number two, you’ve missed an opportunity to actually have some business relationship with Drake. Why waste time and contract lawyers from the US?” he said.

He continued by saying on United Showbiz on UTV that “you could have engaged the person one-on-one and settled everything”.
Commenting on Mantse Aryeequaye’s move to publicly call out Obrafour for wrongfully claiming ownership of his, ‘Killer Cut’ voice that was featured in Obrafour’s ‘Oye Ohene’, Mantse shouldn’t be punished for speaking out, he claimed. “I have seen a lot of people bashing Mantse but the gentleman says he has been trying to reach Obrafour or Hammer for the last 20 years and they never respond to him. So, what do you expect the person to do?…the only part where Manste slacked was his continuous tagging of Drake in his tweets,” he said.