Felicia Osei, a popular TikTok user, expressed her anger with actor Kwadwo Nkasah Lilwin’s remark that TikTokers are not celebrities.She reminded him that despite his fame, he might not be a star to everyone. According to Kwadwo Nkansah Lilwin, TikTokers are not celebrities.He emphasized the fact that celebrities include persons in the arts like musicians and actresses.He continued by asking why TikTokers are becoming so “pompous” given that the app will inevitably lose its appeal.
Felicia Osei responded that she was perplexed as to why Lilwin would unprovoked assault their line of work.
“I was very surprised when I heard it. I wondered if one of us had offended him because we cannot disrespect a senior man like that. So why is it that small children have not wronged you and a grown man, if you had given birth early, he could have given birth to us, say those things?
“But what can you do? He may have his reasons. I won’t blame him much because he may have said it just to trend. So it’s not an issue for me,” she told Zionfelix.
Felicia further stated that some people do not view LilWin as a celebrity in the same way that LilWin does not view them as VIPs.
Even though we are not celebrities, society is aware of us.
Also mentioned will be the denial that Kwadwo Nkansah is a celebrity.
Nobody will ever put you on that level, no matter who you are.
If he does not consider us to be stars.
We are stars in someone’s eyes somewhere, for sure.