Wei Ye Oteng is discontent with the new rush of pushing tunes to dance . He said that stressing hit tunes are being killed with dance moves. Oteng contended that tunes stay in the pattern for quite a while on the off chance that they develop naturally . He referred to an illustration of how Kelvyn Boy’s ‘Down Flat’ and Black Sherif’s ‘Kwaku The Traveler’ were ouster after the ‘Buga’ moves arose. Wei Oteng focused on that these dance moves are causing more damage than great. He likewise discussed the significance of radio and TV promotions. Oteng composed on Facebook:
“I was expecting much higher grounds for songs like DOWN FLAT, KTT etc by now to be uncontrollable but derr norrr some BUGA moves tell am sey make e’shift, guys u can’t beat the organic radio and TV promo with tiktok oooh, it’s really great technology is here to stay, but trust me we still need to reach the grounds and stop acting all made it when dancegod and some few others teach some girls move to start trending on our artist behalf, (Boobs X Bombom generation)
It’ s doing more harm than good, cox every now and then musicians are tempted to come with something new when their jams are out of trends, lets wake up be4 creativity becomes a competition. Good Day.